English Language Development
Designated ELD
Start Smart & Designated ELD Resources
- Start Smart 1.0 Revised Lessons & Resources
- Visual Texts 1.0 (zip file)
- Start Smart 1.0 PowerPoint
- Constructive Conversation Skills Student Cards (zip file download)
- Designated ELD Timeline
Designated ELD Times
Based on English Learner Master Plan 2012, page 55: All elementary teachers with one or more English learners, regardless of program, including those with special education services, are to provide a minimum of 60 minutes for ELs at Overall CELDT Levels 1-3 and 45 minutes for ELs at Overall CELDT Levels 4-5 of daily designated ELD instruction guided by the new 2012 California ELD Standards.
- 8:15-8:30 (M-F) – Breakfast In the Classroom
- 8:30-9:30 (M-F) – Designated ELD (CELDT Levels 1-3)
- 8:30-9:15 (M-F) – Designated ELD (CELDT Levels 4 & 5)
Designated ELD Block Schedule
Fostering Academic Interactions
- Approximately 20 minutes: 8:30 - 8:50 a.m.
- Academic language development
- Constructive Conversations Skills w/ a visual text
Using Complex Text
- Approximately 20 minutes: 8:50 - 9:10 a.m.
- Direct instruction of linguistic features
- Use a small portion of previously read mentor text to address an ELD standards-based objective
Fortifying Complex Output
- Approximately 20 minutes: 9:10 - 9:30
- Differentiated instruction (Universal Access) driven by ELD standards
Integrated ELD
Integrated ELD / Math Resources: Posters, Videos, Model Lessons
Integrated ELD/Math Three Phase Lesson - GrK
Integrated ELD/Math Three Phase Lesson - Gr3 w/ Erick Barrios (Coming Soon)
Integrated ELD/Math Three Phase Lesson - Gr4 w/ Sheila Salley (Coming Soon)
Grade Level Mettings
Grade Level Meeting
ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
ELPAC Teacher PD
ELPAC Parent Guide (Various Languages)
ELPAC CR Assessment Dates
ELPAC CR Sub-release Days
PD Next Steps
Follow the Master Plan-mandated Designated ELD Times (see below)
Follow the LAUSD Designated ELD block sequence based on the Frame of Practice (see below)
- Fostering Academic Interactions: Approximately 20 minutes: 8:30 - 8:50 a.m.
- Using Complex Text: Approximately 20 minutes: 8:50 - 9:10 a.m.
- Fortifying Complex Output: Approximately 20 minutes: 9:10 - 9:30
California English Language Development Standards (CELDS)
Student Vital Actions
- Students engage in rigorous tasks and texts: written, spoken, or multimodal and in print or digital form focused on content knowledge and linguistic development. [TLF 3c1, 3a4]
- Students look for more precise ways of expressing their thinking, supporting each other to look for and use academic language, and focus on the knowledge and/or skills of the discipline and task. [TLF: 3a4, 3b2, 3c2]
- Students develop linguistic awareness and adjust language choices according to purpose, social setting, and audience. [TLF: 3a4, 3b2, 3d3]
- Students engage in a variety of collaborative discussions, build awareness about language and build skills and abilities to use language. [TLF: 3a4, 3b1, 3b2, 3c1, 3c2]
- Students participate in class, group and partner discussions by using the constructive conversation skills: create, clarify, fortify & negotiate to build on other ideas/thinking, asking relevant questions, affirming others and adding relevant information[TLF: 2a3, 2c1, 3b2]
- Students participate in sustained dialogue on a variety of topics and content areas; explain their thinking and build on others’ ideas; construct arguments and justify their positions with sound evidence; and effectively produce written and oral texts in a variety of informational and literary text types. [TLF: 2a3, 3b1, 3d3]
- Students develop an understanding of how content is organized in different text types across disciplines using text structure, language features, and vocabulary, depending upon purpose and audience in preparation for oral presentations and writing tasks. [TLF: 3a4, 3b1, 3c1]
- Students use the register of the discipline in sustained dialogue to extend and explain their thinking across the disciplines. [TLF: 3a4, 3b2]
Road Map to Reclassification
- CELDT: For the first 30 days of instruction, focus instruction on standards addressed on CELDT
- CELDT: For the first 30 days of instruction, focus instruction on standards addressed on CELDT
- DIBELS: Focus instruction on early literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS
- CELDT: Annual CELDT due Oct 21
- DIBELS: Focus instruction on early literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS
- DIBELS: Focus instruction on early literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS
- Grade Level ELA Academic Grades: First Reporting Period Grades
- CELDT: Current CELDT scores come in from the state
- DIBELS: Review literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS to guide instruction
- CELDT: Focus instruction on standards addressed on CELDT
- DIBELS: Review literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS to guide instruction
- CELDT: LAUSD CELDT 2nd Administration (for students who passed MOY)
- DIBELS: Review literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS to guide instruction
- Grade Level ELA Academic Grades: Second Reporting Period Grades
- DIBELS: Review literacy indicators addressed by MOY DIBELS to guide instruction
- Grade Level ELA Academic Grades: Final Grades
Reclassidication Criteria (Gr 2-6)
CELDT: Overall score of 4 or 5 with scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing
DIBELS (MOY & EOY): benchmark scores on all skills assessed of the DIBELS measures
Grade Level ELA Academic Grades: Marks of 3 or 4 (Instruction based on ELA State Standards and the Framework)
DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
Beginning of Year (BOY)
- AUG 8 to SEP 14 (TK-2)
Middle of Year (MOY)
- DEC 28 to FEB 3 (TK-5)
End of Year (EOY)
- MAY 1 to JUN 9 (TK-5)
*TRC (optional)
Grade 6 Reading Inventory Resources
Professional Development
Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
Local District West Instructional Priorities Timeline
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Scorecard
Percentage of 2nd Grade Students Meeting Early Literacy Benchmarks
- 2016-17 77%
- 2017-18 79%
- 2018-19 81%
Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Standards in 3rd – 8th and 11th Grade ELA
- 2016-17 47%
- 2017-18 50%
- 2018-19 53%
Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Standards in 3rd – 8th and 11th Grade Math
- 2016-17 37%
- 2017-18 40%
- 2018-19 43%
Percentage of English Learners Who Reclassify as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP)
- 2016-17 20%
- 2017-18 22%
- 2018-19 24%
Percentage of English Learners Who Have Not Reclassified in 5 Years (LTEL)
- 2016-17 18%
- 2017-18 16%
- 2018-19 15%
Percentage of English Learners Making Annual Progress on the CELDT/ELPAC
- 2016-17 59%
- 2017-18 64%
- 2018-19 69%
Percentage of High School Students On-Track for A-G with a “C”
- 2016-17 48%
- 2017-18 50%
- 2018-19 52%
Percent of the class on track for Graduation
- 2016-17 53%
- 2017-18 55%
- 2018-19 57%
Percentage of AP Exam Takers with a Qualifying Score of “3” or Higher
- 2016-17 42%
- 2017-18 44%
- 2018-19 46%