Monthly Commemorative Dates and Observances
NATIONAL BLOOD DONOR MONTH is a time when blood organizations like the American Red Cross pay tribute to the nearly 11 million people who give blood each year and encourage others to start the New Year off right by coming to give the gift of life. www.redcrossblood.org
NATIONAL SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING PREVENTION MONTH calls upon all Americans to recognize the vital role we can play in ending all forms of modern slavery. www.nctsn.org
NATIONAL MENTORING MONTH focuses national attention on how we can work together to increase the number of mentors to help ensure positive outcomes for our young people. www.mentoring.org
The Integrated Library & Textbook Support Services Digital Library offers a wide variety of resources celebrating Dr. King and Black History at http://achieve.lausd.net/Page/1124 (key search terms “Martin Luther King Jr” and “African Americans”) Contact Integrated Library & Textbook Support Services at (213) 241-2733
- ABC-Clio’s American Government and American History databases
- American National Biography’s Research Packs on Black History and the Civil Rights Movement
- Gale’s Biography In Context
- InfoBase’s African American History Online
- Oxford Art and Music Online
- Salem Press History
- Additional MLK Reosurces
- BLACK HISTORY MONTH was created by Carter G. Woodson in the 1920s. This month-long celebration is a time to reflect on the history, teachings and achievements of African Americans. Board Rule 1102. http://www.africanamericanhistorymonth.gov
- AMERICAN HEART MONTH – Make Blood Pressure Control Your Goal: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Million Hearts®–a national effort to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in the United States by 2017–are encouraging Americans to know their blood pressure, and if it's high, to make control their goal. Uncontrolled high blood pressure[469 KB] is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke.
- NATIONAL WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH was proclaimed by Congress and many governors and state legislatures as a month to celebrate the rich and inspiring heritage of the contributions of women to the United States. For information and materials, contact National Women’s History Project at www.nwhp.org Board Rule 1102
- MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH communicates the importance of music in the learning experience. Sponsored by The National Association for Music Education, www.menc.org
- ARTS EDUCATION MONTH based on the words of President Kennedy “To further the appreciation of culture among all people, to increase respect for the creative individual, to widen participation by all the processes and fulfillments of art – this is one of the most fascinating challenges of these days.” Sponsored by Council for Art Education www.acminet.org/youth_art_month.htm
- NATIONAL SOCIAL WORK MONTH recognizes the importance of social workers and celebrates those in the field.
- AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH highlights the need for education and awareness about autism and issues within the autism community. www.autism-society.org
- JAZZ APPRECIATION MONTH shines the spotlight on the extraordinary history of jazz and its importance in American culture.
- MATHEMATICS AWARENESS MONTH is held to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics. www.mathaware.org
- NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH calls upon all people to recognize the alarming rate at which children are abused and neglected, the need to prevent child abuse and to assist families affected by maltreatment. www.childwelfare.gov
- PARKINSON AWARENESS MONTH draws awareness to Parkinson's disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the United States, second to Alzheimer's disease. www.pdf.org
- SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH calls upon all people to share responsibility for protecting each other from sexual assault, supporting victims when it does occur and bringing perpetrators to justice. www.nsvrc.org/saam/
- STRESS AWARENESS MONTH is a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the dangers of stress, successful coping strategies and harmful misconceptions about stress that are prevalent in our society.
- ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH celebrates the collective accomplishments of Asian Pacific Americans who comprise many ethnic groups with diverse backgrounds, histories, languages and cultures. Board Rule 1102. www.loc.gov/topics/asianpacific
- FOSTER CARE MONTH shines a light on the experiences of youth in the foster care system. www.fostercaremonth.org
- LABOR HISTORY MONTH encourages schools to provide appropriate educational exercises that make pupils aware of the role the labor movement has played in shaping California and the United States. Ed Code 51009.
- SAFE JOBS FOR YOUTH MONTH informs young workers of their rights and responsibilities as they enter the workforce. http://youngworkers.org
- NATIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MONTH encourages all Americans to take part in regular physical activity and increase their knowledge about the health benefits of exercise. www.fitness.gov
- LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER AWARENESS MONTH honors the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion, which was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. June as Pride month was first recognized by the LAUSD Board of Education in 1992, reaffirmed in Board Rule 1102 and again annually as a District approved observance.
- NATIONAL PARK AND RECREATION MONTH America has celebrated July as the nation’s official Park and Recreation Month since 1985. NRPA strives to advance parks, recreation and environmental conservation efforts that enhance the quality of life for all people. www.nrpa.org
- NATIONAL TRUANCY PREVENTION MONTH The U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan resolution designating August 2008 as National Truancy Prevention Month and recognizing that chronic truancy causes serious harm to young people in America.
- LATINO HERITAGE MONTH celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Hispanic Americans and the many contributions they have and continue to make to American culture. The month long celebration from September 15 - October 15 was designated by presidential proclamation. Board Rule 1102 http://www.hispanicheritagemonth.gov
- Latino Heritage and Cultures - Google Arts & Culture
- LIBRARY CARD SIGN UP MONTH serves as a reminder to ensure all children have library cards. Information and materials available from American Library Association. www.ala.org
- BULLY PREVENTION MONTH unites communities nationwide to raise awareness of bullying prevention. During the event—and throughout the year—we are encouraged to engage, educate and inspire others to end bullying. www.stopbullying.gov
- CULTURAL DIVERSITY MONTH is about opening dialogues that foster an appreciation of the differences that separate us as well as the similarities that unite us. Sponsored by the LA County Commission on Human Relations, free posters are available. Board Rule 1102. www.lahumanrelations.org
- DANIEL PEARL WORLD MUSIC DAYS is an international network of concerts that use the power of music to reaffirm our commitment to tolerance and humanity. www.danielpearlmusicdays.org
- DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH was designated to increase awareness of the contributions and skills of American workers with disabilities. Board Rule 1102
- FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH celebrates and honors Filipino Americans and their contributions in the U.S. and globally. www.fanhs-national.org
- LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER (LGBT) HISTORY MONTH marks and celebrates the achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. www.lgbthistorymonth.com
- NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH increases awareness of the disease to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. www.nbcam.org
- NATIONAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH focuses on the role substance abuse prevention plays in promoting safe and healthy communities. www.samhsa.gov/prevention/nationalpreventionmonth
- NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH implemented to connect battered women's advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children.
- ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS MONTH draws awareness to the common neurodegenerative disease in the United States. www.alz.org
- NATIONAL AMERICAN INDIAN/ALASKAN NATIVE HERITAGE MONTH remembers the contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives and honors the heritage of our continent’s first inhabitants. http://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov
- PICTURE BOOK MONTH is an international literacy initiative that celebrates the print picture book. http://picturebookmonth.com/celebrate
- UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS MONTH was formed to promote action that would advance respect for human rights both at home and abroad. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. www.udhr.org